
Un lookbook dolcissimo - GianMarcoVenturi SS2013

Questo è sicuramente il lookbook più dolce che abbia mai realizzato. Sarà la mia vena romantica, o meglio quella golosa... ma ho ancora l'acquolina in bocca. Mi sono divertita moltissimo a scattare queste fotografie insieme a Serena T - una delle più brave art director con cui abbia mai lavorato (e lo sappiamo tutti... una brava art director si misura proprio dallo still life!). Un grazie anche alle ragazze di dolcelab che hanno realizzato i coloratissimi dolcetti appositamente per noi. Se volete vedere ancora, guardate il sito GMV - borse, pochette, biancheria, scarpe e un supersexy video finalmente! per tutte le signore (che ho avuto il piacere di dirigere, ma ve ne parlerò un'altra volta!).

Campagna pubblicitaria Antonella Piacenti

Ecco una selezioni di immagini dalla campagna pubblicitaria di gioielli Antonella Piacenti che stanno uscendo in questi giorni su tutti i principali quotidiani e riviste italiane.
Abbiamo realizzato sia le immagini della campagna  che il catalogo, oltre a 5 video che saranno presentati in questi giorni al lancio ufficiale del nuovo brand a Milano. Stay tuned!

Idyllic Childhood

Sneak preview from our first of the cross media shoots in Elba Island.
Location is the amazing 'Tenuta La Chiusa' and the models are 5 local kids, aged 4 to 10. They were lovely and absolutely filled with incredibly energy... and of course sometimes a bit hard to handle!
But we let them run and play through the olive trees, the fields and on the shore... by the end they were sleeping for real in the gorgeous tent that Tanya put up for them!

Sadiq Khan - cover story for Total Politics

The new Total Politics magazine is out now with my photograph on the cover and more inside alongside the interview.
We shot last month in London - my first time back 'home' - in Sadiq Khan's office in Tooting.
While Total Politics editor Ben Duckworth carried out the interview, we set up a photographic set in a basement room. We shot a eyes-only-in-focus portrait for the cover at f2.2 and then something more playful for the inside spread.
Antonello Sticca art directed the set with found objects with a slight country but solid feeling: a beautiful old wooden table, a chair, few stands and even an old fashion a teapot ... but you need to grab a copy of the magazine to see more.
Sadiq Khan was very relaxed and happy to be photographed, given us more than the usual 5 minutes, what a relief!

Lovely day for a wedding

Yesterday was a wonderful sunny day for my first shoot in Florence!
Luca & Deborah were in front of the camera and hair & make-up was by Silvia Gerzeli. I cannot thank enough for her kindness, invaluable help and of course talent!
First half of the day was around San Miniato Church and the second half in a park nearby my new office (that is almost ready!) for a more relaxed look.
I am enjoying shooting out of the studio and with (almost all) natural light... everything is a bit more relaxed and spontaneous, and I will be getting a tan soon!

The room, Cross-Media shoot

The Room from emma innocenti on Vimeo.

This is an example of cross media content, with photographs and videos shot at the same time.
In this edit, the colours of the video have been changed to create a dream like story, otherwise they are perfectly similar!
Art direction by Tanya Lafevre, Set design by Plum Art Dept, Hair & make up by Beatriz Lopez, Music by 'The Man Who Laughs'
The images and videos are available for commercial licensing at Image Source.

Cover photo, Caroline Lucas for Total Politics mag

The January issue of "Total Politics" magazine is now out for sale, with my photograph of Caroline Lucas on the cover and more featuring inside with her interview. 
I shot the leader of the Green Party inside Portcullis House at Westminster. As usual with a very busy MP, we have a bit of time to set up backdrop and lighting in a little area and then only few moments to shoot their portraits. Caroline Lucas was extremely nice and after taking her portrait we wandered around Portcullis House to take some more natural images and show Total Politics readers a bit more of the settings - strangely in between indoor garden, modern office and classic decor.
The cover design is by Antonello Sticca, currently working on a cool redesign for the whole mag!

Femina mag cover

"Femina" is a weekly Swiss magazine and the image on the cover is part of a shoot we did in my studio in London few months ago.
The theme for the shoot was "Celebration" so the lovely model (Satu from BMA London) played a bit of cards and then had lots of fun with champagne and blowing streamers!
Many thanks to Claire Mazik for the wonderful hair and make up.

Mia Jafari new dress collection

Mia Jafari has added few unique dresses to her wonderful collection of scarves where Eastern embroidery meets cutting edge digital print through hyper-real aesthetic.
We shot in my East London studio, with Mia busy sewing and perfecting the dresses to the model and Sarah Morton taking backstage pictures for Sketchbook magazine.
I totally love Mia Jafari creativity, use of colour, details and humour. Our collaboration goes back a few years, when I shot some models dancing in front of her psychedelic laundry machines for the Festival of Urban Art Architectural Projection in the Constitution Square and the University Square of Bucharest

Bagatelles & Co Lookbook

A sneak preview of Bagatelles & Co new collection of purses, bags and wallets that will shortly be on sale. 
Rym designs these wonderful little purses that are hand crafted by her small team with a hand picked selection of Liberty fabrics and other textile gems that she sources from French markets and little shops.
I love that they are so delicate and quirky at the same time.

Mid summer dream

This was one of our most challenging shoots to date. It was one of our first cross media shoot so we were recording moving images and shooting photographs at the same time. We used a crane to suspend a Canon 5D mk11 right in the middle of an outdoor swimming pool. Technically, it was just a question of dodging the shadow of the camera and then moving it around from the side of the pool to compose the shots or to pan around the swimming pool.
But when we got to it... models were squinting looking right into the sun, to just float and stay still in one spot was proving almost impossible, couldn't hear a thing with their ears inside the water... and soon it was 48 degrees...

Cool Camping

Our "Cool Comping" cross media shoot is on the opening page of the Image Source website. We shot both photographs and videos in a lovely farm in Guildford at the beginning of the English Summer, on a beautiful day. David and i (on the other Canon 5D mk11 doing the videos) drove there in the custom 1971 Doormobile 'Early bay' VW Campervan also featured on the shoot - courtesy of Nick from

It was a great day and I really enjoyed shooting out-takes while David was filming the models and directing them. It felt like being an invisible camera and I think lots of the images captured feel so natural because of this. It was also one of my favourite teams ever, with Tanya (Art Director) & Lyndsey making everything seem easy and fun and Beatriz Lopez mastering hair & make-up. Oh and lending us her bike!